Episode 80: Keratoprosthesis Vitrectomy and Adaptive Optics with Dr. Mina Chung
Dr. Mina Chung of University of Rochester joins the show to talk approaching vitrectomy in eyes with a keratoprosthesis and adaptive optics.
[0:52] Introduction
[1:08] Why did you first decide to do ophthalmology, and then retina?
[2:52] Discussion of ability versus desire/drive, when it comes to choosing a sub-speciality.
[4:40] Discussion of vitrectomy in cases of keratoprosthesis.
[8:00] Pearls regarding how to actually perform the vitrectomy.
[12:37] How do you manage to see wide enough in periphery? Do you shave these cases or not?
[17:30] Can you give a quick summary of adaptive optics and its implications for the future?
[21:57] What were some of the things that influenced you to switch jobs, and what were the pros/cons of this move?
[24:55] What have been your personal experiences regarding progress of women in the medical field and the field of retina?
[27:05] Conclusion