Episode 81: Journal Club, Protocol U 6 month Results, Physician Age and Patient Complaints


Dr. M. Ali Khan of the Doheny Eye Institute at the University of California Los Angeles and Dr. Ajay Kuriyan of the University of Rochester join for a journal club discussion of two recent articles in JAMA Ophthalmology:

Protocol U Six-Month Results (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaophthalmology/article-abstract/2663061)

Association Between Ophthalmologist Age and Unsolicited Patient Complaints (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaophthalmology/fullarticle/2664085)


[1:16] Introduction

[1:50] Background and Results of the first paper, entitled “Effect of Adding Dexamethasone to Continued Ranibizumab Treatment in Patients with Persistent Diabetic Macular Edema.”

[3:24] Take-home points of the article.

[4:00] Did the results surprise you?

[5:25] What do you think about the long-term effectiveness of steroid treatment?

[9:45] Discussion of IOP results between dexamethasone and triamcinolone.

[13:15] Summary of the second paper, entitled “Association Between Ophthalmologist Age and Unsolicited Patient Complaints.”

[14:40] What were your take-away’s from this paper?

[17:18] The only subspecialty with a significant result was neuro-ophthalmology – what are your thoughts as to why this may be?

[21:40] Discussion of the best ways to receive and use feedback, and how to best make a recommendation to a patient.

[28:15] Discussion of time spent with the physician and how to improve efficiency to maximize this time.

[29:45] Football talk!

[32:10] Conclusion
